Wishing our lovely past and present clients and our readers a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! We hope that 2011 brings all that you dream of.
2010 has been a big year for WITHLOVE, (having only launched in late April) and we are truly grateful for the kind words and support you have given us along the way. We are so glad to have been able to share this past (almost!) year with you. We have HUGE things planned for the new year, including a whole new collection of lust-worthy wedding invitations and stationery so we hope that you will continue the journey with us.
We'll be signing off for the year from Wednesday 22 December through to Tuesday 4 January 2011. Please feel free to contact us during this time and we will be sure to get in touch as soon as we return!
Best wishes and
with love to you and yours

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