Byron Bay Bridal Showcase
If you follow my facebook page, you will know about my involvement in the BBBS and let me tell you, it was AMAZING. If you didn't make it down, don't despair - I will be dedicating an entire post to this next week as a brief write up in this post certainly does not do it justice! The event was one of the most inspiring I've ever been a part of - definitely NOT your run-of-the-mill expo. It was completely jam packed with a whole lot of loveliness from lots of super-talented suppliers, including the fabulous Jennifer Gifford who organised the whole event. Massive credit and thank you to you Jen! Until next week, here's an image of the styled space that 'Team Bohemian' created (Love Bird Weddings, Just Love to Give, Beautiflora and yours truly!), shot by Ryder Evans Photography (an incredible wedding photographer too I might add).

{Image :: Ryder Evans Photography}
New ready-made design
In lieu of the BBBS, you may have noticed we did not release a new design last month however, an exciting NEW design will released very soon. Stay tuned for a little sneak peak and the release date...
Custom launch
WITHLOVE is now available for your custom design needs! Hooray! This has been a long-time coming and I'm so excited to offer my services to clients who want an invitation and stationery suite created just for them... from scratch! So if you dig our style, but it's not quite what you're looking for, contact me for a custom quote. More information to come on the website soon!

{Image via Move Me Quotes}
Website + VIP newsletter
Exciting news - I'll be doing a little bit of a refresh on the website over the coming months to bring you an even better WITHLOVE experience, which also includes integrating this here blog, into the site. Additionally, if you are a VIP subscriber, there's a few changes coming your way - a new and improved newsletter (I hope you'll agree!) will be landing in your inbox next month!
Phew! I'd love to hear what's been keeping you occupied this winter - maybe a fabulous diy project on the go or some exciting wedding plans?
Jackie xo
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